Parent Partnership

We pride ourselves on having excellent parent partnerships at our nursery and welcome parents into nursery on a regular basis to discuss their child’s progress or just to come in for a chat or to play.

Parents are welcome to join us during the year at events such as Christmas parties and graduation days. 

Partnership is a two-way process, and we like parents to help us make sure the nursery runs smoothly. We request, for example, that you follow our security guidelines with regard to admitting unknown people into the nursery, and that you keep us informed about any allergies or special diets your child may have. Our nursery has a policy on not admitting children with infectious illnesses, and we would ask that you respect the quarantine period specified by the nursery manager, for the benefit of the other children, parents and staff.

Nursery staff should be informed if your child is to be away from nursery for any reason, or if home circumstances change which may have an effect on the child’s behaviour and well-being.

Parents  can  follow us on face book where you will get to see some of the activities that we do and we will post information about forthcoming events in nursery.

Busy Kids Day Nursery