Terms and Conditions.

Opening hours

We are open from 7.30 – 6.00 pm 52 weeks per year. We close on all bank holidays for which there is no charge.

Collection of children

Children must be collected by an authorised person, if we have not seen the person to collect the child we have a password system to ensure your child’s safety. 

The nursery closes at 6.00pm children collected after this time incur a late fee of £5.00 per 5 minutes late.


Children should not come to nursery if they are suffering from sickness, diarrhoea, an infection or have an unspecified rash ( until diagnosed by a doctor).

If a child becomes ill whilst at nursery a parent will be contacted immediately and asked to collect the child. In the event of an emergency the child will be taken to nearest hospital  by a senior member of staff who will remain with the child until a parent arrives..

Medication is given with parents a consent, once a medicine form has been completed.

If a child’s temperature becomes high we will telephone for verbal consent and administer calpol in conjunction with other methods of temperature control e.g. tepid sponging.

If your child receives regular medicine, full written details must be provided before we can administer medicine.

Lost/ damaged property.

Parents are encouraged to label their children’s clothes to help avoid loss. We ask that children do not bring valuables  or toys to nursery. The nursery cannot accept responsibility for lost or damaged items.

Notice of termination

4 weeks written notice is required if you wish to terminate a place or reduce the number of sessions a child attends.

Busy Kids reserves the right to terminate a child’s place if terms and conditions are breeched, or if termination is considered in the best interests of the child.

Where a child’s behaviour endangers other children or is unacceptable we reserve the right to terminate a place.