Settling-In Sessions

We offer all new children and their families free settling-in sessions.

We appreciate that choosing a nursery is a big decision and we want you and your child to feel confident that you have made the right choice. Generally children attend at least two settling-in sessions before starting nursery properly. 

The first visit involves getting to know your child’s key person, filling in some forms and for you and your child to explore the nursery. Once your child is relaxed and busy playing we will invite you to leave the room for a short time allowing your child to continue getting to know their key person. Looking forward, together we will formulate a plan for further visits. Usually this will be over a two week period during the times your child will attend nursery. They will soon start making friends and becoming familiar with the nursery and staff. We appreciate that children are all different and some will take longer to settle in than others. This is why we can offer settling in sessions to meet your child’s needs.

Busy Kids nursery provides a stimulating and nurturing environment inspiring children to try their best, attempt new things and explore learning and the wider world. 

We want every child to thrive in this environment, working to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. 

This focuses on the three prime areas of learning which are critical to making sure that children have the foundations for mastering basic literacy skills as they get older.  

Busy Kids Day Nursery